Despite the best efforts of the Pieman to fall asleep during the first half it was very entertaining. Ice-cream was available at the break but no sign of any pies. What's classic about that!
What do we love about Life? Music, Books, Sport, Nature, Family and Friends. But most of all we love Pies!!
As part of the recent Fathers Day the Pieman was treated to a beer of distinction namely "First Gold". What a wonderful way to finish the day. After fishing (many Bream), cards, gifts, no rain, food and good company a chilled bottle of beer was an excellent finish.
This delightful refreshment comes from Badger Ales and is by it's own claim the "perfect accompaniment to a pie" - Well I'm not going to argue with them! They also claim with some competition evidence to be the "Best Bottled Beer in the World". A bold claim which you can test yourself by going to their website and ordering some or try your local beverages supplier.
A quick trip to wikipedia confirms the pictures story and reveals a bit more about Sir Jeffery Hudson.
What's the most Curious Pie filling you have come across?
There was a short break in the middle to get some lunch. A lovely Steak & Onion Pie being located by the pieman quicker than a hungry Falcon (200mph+). After lunch it was off for a trek through the local woods with a couple of Harris Hawks to scare the local rabbit and bird population.
Mrs Pieman escorted a male Harris Hawk ( called Tyler) to the woods who before the end of the session went AWOL he was enjoying himself so much!
Excellent website for discovering what your Representative is up to. Speeches, voting record, questions, topics of interest, Most recent appearances in Parliament, Register of members interests, expenses ........
There is a section called numerology where various statistics are provided to judge how there performing.
ie " This MP's speeches are understandable to an average 17–18 year old, going by the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level score. " - Christine Russell MP for Chester.
You can email your MP from this site and keep track of what they are doing with various feeds.
ie "[David Taylor in the Chair] — Cross-border Transport (Deeside) (6 Feb 2007)
“That is absolutely true. However, there is a close inter-relationship and synergy between north-east Wales and west Cheshire today, except on the odd occasion when there is a local derby between Chester and Wrexham—it might not be quite as harmonious then. As has been said, it is significant that well over 80 per cent. of all the journeys that begin in the Deeside hub area end within the...”
You could email them to drop the Vat on Pie Purchases for the well being of society in general, farmers and over eaters like the Pieman.