In the morning Mrs Pieman was introduced up close to six different raptors including an African Eagle Owl, Buzzard, Harris Hawk, Ferruginous Buzzard(pictured below left), Bateleur Eagle (pictured above left) and a Steppe Eagle.
There was a short break in the middle to get some lunch. A lovely Steak & Onion Pie being located by the pieman quicker than a hungry Falcon (200mph+). After lunch it was off for a trek through the local woods with a couple of Harris Hawks to scare the local rabbit and bird population.
Mrs Pieman escorted a male Harris Hawk ( called Tyler) to the woods who before the end of the session went AWOL he was enjoying himself so much!
Both sessions were led by interesting and obviously well informed Falconers. Their knowledge and enthusiasm for the birds was infectious. The weather and conditions were fantastic and a memorable day was had.
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