Saturday 10 May 2014

Neil Finn:Dizzy Heights

Neil Finn, Birmingham Symphony Hall

Big thanks to Mrs Dragonslayer for providing tickets to see Mr Neil Mullane Finn on his current Dizzy Heights tour. It's few years since we have had the pleasure of catching up with Mr Finn and we were not too be disappointed.

The gig was at the magnificent Birmingham Symphony Hall, which is a great venue. Sonically pretty good but I struggled to hear his voice a bit at times especially during the louder newer songs. 

However he was on his normal good form meandering his way through his current and past back catalogue even dipping into the Split Enz back catalogue much to our and the crowds delight. He played a good two hours including encores to cram in a good 28/29 songs. If you weren't happy tonight you never will be at a gig.

Particularly with the older songs Mr Finn pursued a policy of playing the songs in a different way by instrumentation, arrangement or tempo which mixed things up nicely and probably helps retains his interest in songs that are over 30 years old or more.

Personally I liked all of it but hearing those Split Enz songs was special especially I Got You, One Step Ahead (brilliant), Message to My Girl and History Never Repeats. He did reluctantly play Six Months In A Leaky Boat but only because he was badgered by an audience member which perhaps is not the best inspiration for a performance but he did it nonetheless. We like Neil Finn very much.

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