Probabilmente la migliore pizza nel mondo

Another country and the search for decent Pie goes on and yet again we resort to a Calzone which at least looks like a huge Cornish Pasty. This one was provided by Napoli Man pictured above. During our visit for the excellent Italian Grand Prix we ended up more often than not at the Vesuvius Pizza Emporium, Boltiere, run by the Napoli Man where F1 Fans he appropriately served Pironi Beer!
He was very loud and very hospitable. We sit down and enjoy with relish our introduction to Italy via the Napoli Man. We are struggling with the language a bit but enjoy ourselves. On arrival back from the practice day he greets us of the Coach and drags us in! He is less than complimentary about The Ferrari drivers performance's in the Grand Prix. He is convinced were Americans and I can only assume this is because I'm large and wearing a loud dangerous shirt!

The Cheeky Police
After the Grand Prix finished were made our back via the track to the main straight and the start/finish line. The Dragonslayer and Pieman (Womble look alike) stopped for a phot with the local Police as they were busy doing nothing. Although this proved to be a traumatic experience for Dragonslayer who was well and truly goosed/grabbed whilst this photo was taken !! Which policeman is smiling most!!