What do we love about Life? Music, Books, Sport, Nature, Family and Friends. But most of all we love Pies!!
If anyone would like a copy of the images shown on the night please contact the pieman and we'll send you a copy of all that we have.
The various ankle biters from the tribes were quick to spot a large retail unit called the Pie Emporium. Unfortunately at £4.00 a hit for a limp looking offering even the Pieman could not be tempted.
The rain eventually began to cease and we headed back to Chester for Pizza and more chat.
Some of the original tracks have been either remixed, re-recorded or added to with some overdubs including a nice bit of brass (In The Blood). All the tracks are written by the band except "Love The One Your With" a Stephen Stills song.Apart from the original four tracks the Piemans early favourites are "the Ballad of Bianca owen, Last Orders & Dirty Rascal".
If you haven't experienced the Loose Kites yet listen to some top tunes and view an excellent video for Radiation Vibe at their MySpace site by clicking this link Loose Kites.
Also check out the list of their forthcoming gigs and get yourself along for a toe tapping, hip shaking, soul searchin, mind blowin, harmonising heaven of an experience and a rollicking good time to boot !!!